Smart Networth Tracker

Manage, track, and grow your wealth effortlessly. Stay on top of your financial goals with real-time insights and easy-to-use features.

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About Smart Networth Tracker

Smart Networth Tracker is your ultimate companion for managing and understanding your financial health. With this intuitive app, you can effortlessly track your net worth, assets, and liabilities in one place. Whether you're managing your own finances or keeping tabs on your family's financial health, Smart Networth Tracker allows you to create separate profiles for each family member, giving you a comprehensive view of your collective financial standing.

The app's elegant and minimalistic user interface makes it easy to navigate through your financial data. You can receive timely email alerts, offering insightful updates to keep you informed of significant changes in your financial status. Smart Networth Tracker is designed to simplify your financial management, allowing you to share your financial progress with friends or advisors easily.

Key Features

Track Net Worth, Assets, and Liabilities

Keep a close eye on your financial health by monitoring your net worth, assets, and liabilities in real time.

Multiple Profiles

Create and manage separate financial profiles for different family members, enabling you to track their financial journeys independently.

Holistic Financial View

Get a comprehensive overview of your finances, giving you the insights you need to make informed decisions.

Insightful Email Alerts

Stay updated with timely email notifications that provide you with critical financial insights.

Elegant & Minimalistic UI

Enjoy a user-friendly experience with a sleek design that makes financial tracking easy and enjoyable.

Share with Friends

Share your financial progress and insights with friends or financial advisors for collaborative financial planning.

App Screenshots


Intuitive Homepage

Login Screen

Secure Login

Profile Selection

Easy Profile Selection


Comprehensive Dashboard

Data Privacy & Disclaimers

Rest assured that your data is secure. The information you share within the app is never shared with third parties and is used solely for the app's intended purpose of financial tracking. Please note that this app is intended for informational and insight purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional financial advice.